The amount or food required each day varies with age, size and activity level of the child and a good diet is important for the normal growth and development of the child. It is important for staff and families to work co-operatively to ensure the MELC plays a part in meeting each child’s daily nutritional needs. MELC will supply all your child’s food and drink requirements. Fresh and nutritious meals are planned and prepared daily by our chef in accordance with the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Careful attention is paid to providing a balanced diet for your child while ensuring they will enjoy the food they eat. Mealtimes provide great opportunities for children to develop self-help skills. Our teachers sit with children at mealtimes to offer support and encouragement as children acquire self-help skills in feeding, serving, pouring etc. Whilst children are encouraged to eat, no child is forced to eat against their will. Children’s choice of food is respected.

Allergen Friendly
At MELC, we are a nut-free centre and can cater to any food allergies or food preferences. The children will be served the same menu meals with the use of alternative ingredients to suit their dietary requirements. Recipes in our menu which contain honey, will be substituted for an alternative ingredient.

Nutritionally Balanced Rotating Menu
Our qualified Chef, Scott, has developed a rotating seasonal menu for the children at Mitchell Early Learning Centre. All our meals are prepared on the premises and are made with the freshest of ingredients. Below is a sample of our current “Spring Menu”:
Morning Tea: Wholemeal Carrot and Sultana Muffins & Milk
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Strips with Zucchini and Corn Fritters
Dessert: Greek Yogurt with Fresh Fruit Salad
Afternoon Tea: Hommus with Vegetable Sticks, Fruit and Wholemeal Crackers